Zero Malaria

Sucre - Venezuela

Sucre / Venezuela : MalariaCero

Children who miss school, women who cannot muster the strength to harvest the crops, pregnant women at great risk of losing their babies, families whose livelihoods are lost because the father is bedridden and cannot go fishing. In areas where malaria transmission is high, the fever, vomiting, headache and shivering signify more than another case, another stop, losing precious school and work hours: it means being deprived of the basic resources needed to survive.


of reduction of malaria cases between 2021 - 2022


Malaria deaths since 2021


Reduction target for the year 2030

A dangerous disease

Malaria is a sometimes fatal disease, and tropical countries are particularly affected. According to the World Health Organization, in 2021, half of the world’s population was at risk of contracting this disease transmitted by the Anopheles spp. mosquito. That same year, 619,000 people around the world died from malaria. Most of those who died where children under 5 years of age.   

The work of Médicos del Mundo

Suffereing malaria should not be synonymous with death. This disease, also known as swamp fever, is preventable and curable. Médicos del Mundo, which is committed to combating all diseases, including injustice, has joined the worldwide effort to reduce the global burden of malaria by 90% by 2030.  

In Venezuela, where we are actively taking part in the National Plan to Eradicate Malaria, we are working specifically in Sucre, the state with the second highest prevalence of malaria in the country, this has been proven to be the case.  

* Global Technical Strategy for Malaria 2016-2030, 2021 Update


Key stakeholders updated in surveillance, prevention and control 2021-2023


Supported entomological surveillance and vector control workshops 2021-2023


Mosquito nets distributed 2021-2023


Médicos del Mundo participates in the elaboration of the National Strategic Plan for the Elimination of Malaria 2023-2027

Sucre State

The state of Sucre is home to the country’s main sardine fishing port and, in general, offers great potential for agriculture, tourism and oil and gas industries, but malaria has undermined a series of key socio-economic factors that are essential for its inhabitants. In past years, cases of malaria led to school absenteeism amounting to over 100,000 hours, and when it came to work hours, absenteeism meant a loss of around 400,000 hours per year for the state and for families.  

Since 2021, and thanks to funding from the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), Medicos del Mundo has worked in Sucre and is providing direct support to the State Directorate of Environmental Health to strengthen its capacities to combat malaria.  

What actions have been taken? From a comprehensive perspective, technical and logistical support has been provided in epidemiological surveillance activities (detection, diagnosis and treatment), promotion of malaria prevention, entomological surveillance and vector control.

Zero Malaria

The numbers are compelling. Financial support and the coordinated work of international agencies, non-governmental organisations, public institutions and, in particular, the efforts of local health workers have paid off. Between 2021 and 2023, cases of malaria dropped by more than 60% and since 2021 there have been no reports of deaths from malaria in the state of Sucre.  

MalariaCero tells from a close perspective, in the voice of the affected population, health personnel and Médicos del Mundo, what have been the fundamental aspects that have led them to break the upward curve of malaria.  


Actions of Médicos del Mundo in the State of Sucre

Disminución de la malaria

Malaria Reduction

Desde 2021, y gracias al financiamiento de la Comisión Europea para la Protección Civil y la Ayuda Humanitaria (ECHO), Médico del Mundo se ha instalado en el estado Sucre para sumarnos a la lucha antimalárica.

La organización ha acompañado a la Dirección Estatal de Salud Ambiental desde una perspectiva integral, brindando apoyo técnico y logístico en actividades de vigilancia epidemiológica (detección, diagnóstico y tratamiento).

También ha colaborado en la dotación de equipos e insumos necesarios para el control de la malaria; y en la actualización de conocimientos y el reforzamiento de las capacidades del personal de salud local, en áreas como la promoción de la prevención de la malaria, vigilancia entomológica y control vectorial.

Entre 2021 y 2023 los casos de malaria han disminuido en más de 60 % y desde 2021 no hay reportes de muertes por malaria en el estado Sucre.

Since 2021, and thanks to funding from the European Commission for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (ECHO), Médicos del Mundo has been working in the state of Sucre, where we have joined the fight against malaria.  

The organisation has worked alongside the State Directorate of Environmental Health using a comprehensive approach, providing technical and logistical support for epidemiological surveillance activities (detection, diagnosis and treatment).  

It has also collaborated in providing the necessary equipment and supplies for malaria control, as well as knowledge updating and capacity building for local health workers on promoting malaria prevention, entomological surveillance and vector control, among others.  

Between 2021 and 2023, cases of malaria dropped by more than 60%, and since 2021 there have been no reports of deaths from malaria in the state of Sucre. 

Psicoeducación para la prevención

Psychoeducation for prevention

La prevención es una parte esencial de los planes para la reducción de la malaria. Son muchos los casos que se pueden evitar si se toman las medidas adecuadas, como el uso de mosquiteros, repelentes, uso de ropa clara y de manga larga. Acciones sencillas, en las que la comunidad puede participar activamente.

Las actividades de psicoeducación forman parte de las estrategias de sensibilización en prevención de la malaria, impulsadas en el marco de la búsqueda de la eliminación de la malaria en el estado Sucre, Venezuela.

El equipo técnico de Médicos del Mundo trabaja de la mano con la Dirección Regional de Salud Ambiental para implementar la sensibilización en prevención en edades tempranas. Esto ha permitido amplificar los mensajes, pues los niños y niñas tienen un gran potencial como promotores de cambios dentro de sus hogares y comunidades.

Prevention plays a crucial role in malaria reduction plans. Many cases can be avoided if the right measures are taken. These include using mosquito nets, insect repellents, wearing light-coloured clothing and garments with long sleeves. These are simple actions in which communities can actively participate.  

Psychoeducational activities are part of the malaria prevention awareness-raising strategies that are being promoted as part of the drive to eradicate malaria in the Venezuelan state of Sucre.  
Médicos del Mundo’s technical team is working hand in hand with the Regional Directorate of Environmental Health to raise awareness on prevention amongst the young. Children can be powerful promoters of change in their homes and communities, making it possible to spread the message.   


La vigilancia entomológica es clave

Entomological surveillance is key

El equipo de Médicos del Mundo en Venezuela ha apoyado logística y técnicamente en más de 400 jornadas de vigilancia entomológica y control vectorial, especialmente en las aplicaciones de biolarvicida, en hábitats naturales de anofelinos.

El biolarvicida que se aplica es específico para la eliminación de las larvas del mosquito que transmite la malaria. Este biológico es amigable con el medio ambiente.Asimismo, se ha colaborado con la donación de equipos como microscopios, motopulverizadores, computadoras, proyectores, protectores eléctricos, materiales de laboratorio y campo, y equipos de protección personal.

Se trata de un acompañamiento técnico integral del programa regional de Vigilancia y Eliminación de Malaria, que es posible gracias al apoyo de la Unión Europea Ayuda Humanitaria (ECHO).

The Médicos del Mundo team in Venezuela has provided logistical and technical support for more than 400 sessions of entomological surveillance and vector control, notably the application of biolarvicide in the natural habitats of anopheles mosquitoes.
An environmentally friendly product, biolarvicide is specifically targeted at eliminating the larvae of the mosquito that transmits malaria. Médicos de Mundo has also collaborated by donating equipment such as microscopes, sprayers, computers, projectors, electric protectors, laboratory and field materials, and personal protective equipment. 

This involves comprehensive technical support for the regional Programme to Monitor and Eradicate Malaria, made possible thanks to the backing of the European Union Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO). 


Hablan las personas con malaria

People with malaria speak

Sucre es el segundo estado con más malaria en Venezuela, solo superado por el estado Bolívar. La situación epidémica por malaria durante los últimos años en el Estado, hizo que Médicos del Mundo se movilizara para mejorar la atención a los pacientes y disminuir su transmisión, intentando dar mayor sostenibilidad al Programa de Vigilancia y Eliminación de Malaria regional.

Desde 2021, y gracias al apoyo financiero de la Comisión Europea para la Protección Civil y la Ayuda Humanitaria (ECHO), la organización se incorpora en el trabajo que lidera la Dirección de Salud Ambiental de Sucre, brindando un apoyo integral basado en la más reciente evidencia científica.

Médicos del Mundo ha acompañado a la Dirección de Salud Ambiental de Sucre a implementar sus estrategias para la reducción de la malaria, las cuales han incluido el traslado del personal de salud y los insumos necesarios para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de esta enfermedad, especialmente en los lugares de difícil acceso.  
Sucre is the state with the second highest malaria incidence rate in Venezuela, only surpassed by the state of Bolívar.

In recent years, the malaria epidemic situation in this state led Médicos del Mundo to push for an improvement in patient care and to reduce malaria transmission, also trying to make the regional Programme to Monitor and Eradicate Malaria more sustainable.  

Since 2021, and thanks to funding from the European Commission for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (ECHO), the organisation has been involved in the work headed by the Environmental Health Directorate of Sucre, providing comprehensive support based on the latest scientific findings.  

Médicos del Mundo has helped the Environmental Health Directorate of Sucre to implement its malaria reduction strategies. This has included sending health workers and the necessary supplies to diagnose and treat the disease, particularly in hard-to-access areas.


Children are great promoters of change. Educating them and raising their awareness of malaria prevention is one of Médecins du Monde's commitments.

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During psychoeducation activities, the children receive didactic booklets to reinforce the knowledge acquired.

Médicos del Mundo goes to schools and promotes malaria prevention from an early age.

The application of biolarvicide in larval habitats of malaria-transmitting mosquitoes (anophelines) is a rigorous, effective and environmentally friendly activity for vector control.

Médicos del Mundo has provided logistical and technical support in more than 400 days of entomological surveillance and vector control.

Active house-to-house search for malaria cases. Thanks to this strategy, cases are detected and treated in a timely manner, even in remote communities.

Technical entomologist Armando Salazar, with more than 3 decades of experience in the identification and dissection of anophelines, is the leader of entomological surveillance in Salud Ambiental Sucre.

The study of behavior, the identification of species and the extraction of ovarioles are an essential part of the entomological surveillance of antimalarial control.

A family belonging to the Warao indigenous population lives in a settlement near Yaguaraparo, a historical focus of high malaria transmission.

Yaguraparo is now home to Warao indigenous communities displaced from Delta Amacuro state in search of better living conditions.

Children belonging to the Warao ethnic group use mosquito nets to prevent bites from malaria-transmitting mosquitoes.

Indigenous community, belonging to the Warao ethnic group, receives information on malaria prevention.

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